Originally AHRS are designed to replace traditional mechanical gyroscopic flight instruments thus accuracy and realiability are the top design priorities while the size and cost are not optimized. Nowadays, with the incorporation of miniature MEMS sensors, particularly with Senlution's proprietary 3D assembly technology, traditional clunky AHRS are being rapidly replaced by "Mini-AHRS", which find themselves applicable to a wide spectrum of applications across all industries, as shown in the graph below:
An AHRS (Attitude & Heading Reference System) consists of sensors on three axes that provide pitch, roll and yaw information for its carrier. The key difference between an IMU and an AHRS is the addition of an on-board processing system in an AHRS which provides solved attitude and heading solutions versus an IMU which just delivers sensor data to an additional device that solves the attitude solution (for example, ADIS16xxx series IMU from Analog Devices Inc.).
Senlution's Mini-AHRS, is an ultra-small form factor, highly accurate inertia measurement system based on MEMS miniature inertial sensors and highly sophisticated algorithms. The system is able to output attitude (Euler angles: pitch, roll and yaw) of its carrier body continuously and dynamically. Plus it also sends out other auxiliary signals including acceleration, angular rate, geomagnetic field, temperature and barometric information. Cost of the system has been greatly reduced due to its incorporation of MEMS technology based components, which are manufactured through standard mass production process. Meanwhile, accuracy of MotionCore™ is maintained through Senlution's proprietary algorithms based on Enhanced Kalman Filtering (EKF).
MotionCore™ currently is the smallest size Mini-AHRS in the world, which is realized through Senlution's unique multi-dimensional assembling technology called Motion Core[patent pending]. Furthermore, MotionCore™ Mini-AHRS is designed with an unique concept named "Drop-in OEM", in a sense that customer may deploy the device inside its own mother system, instead of having to interface with it through special wired / wireless communications. Unlike a regular AHRS which only sends out attitude information, MotionCore™ also provides an open environment of its processor with rich I/Os for customer to further development on. Therefore, MotionCore™ is not merely an AHRS sub-system functioning as a sensing module, but also can become the controlling core and power core of the entire user system. In this way, total cost and design complexity of user's system can be greatly lowered.